5 Things That Make Your Team’s Job Harder

 5 Things That Make Your Team’s Job Harder

Running an agency comes with its own set of challenges. As an agency owner, your leadership plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of your team and achieving stellar results. 

However, common pitfalls can make your team’s job harder, from your copywriter to your graphic designer to your virtual assistant, and hinder productivity. In this guide, our outsource virtual assistant services team explores five key factors that can negatively impact your team’s performance and provides actionable solutions to address them.

  1. Lack of Clear Communication

Without clear communication channels, misunderstandings can arise, leading to delays, errors, and frustration among team members. You should establish transparent communication practices from the outset.

To avoid this, encourage open dialogue and create a culture where team members feel comfortable expressing their ideas and concerns.

 2. Micromanaging Tasks

Micromanaging is a common pitfall that can demotivate employees and stifle creativity. Constantly monitoring and controlling every aspect of your team’s work, or worse – taking over – not only undermines trust but also hampers productivity.

Rather, delegate tasks and empower team members to take ownership of their work.


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  3. Ignoring Feedback and Suggestions

Failing to listen to your team’s feedback and suggestions can lead to missed opportunities and a stagnant work environment.

Instead, create channels for soliciting feedback, such as anonymous surveys or regular one-on-one meetings. Actively listen to your team members’ concerns and ideas and demonstrate a willingness to implement changes based on their feedback. Remember to give credit where it is due – avoid presenting ideas others have given you as your own.

  4. Setting Unrealistic Expectations

While it’s essential to aim high, it’s equally important to be realistic about what can be achieved within a given timeframe.

Collaborate with your team to set realistic goals and timelines based on available resources and capacity. Break down larger projects into manageable tasks and prioritise them based on importance and urgency.

  5. Inadequate Training and Onboarding

Without adequate support and guidance, new hires may struggle to adapt to their roles and perform effectively.

Get out in front of this by developing a comprehensive onboarding process that introduces new hires to your agency’s culture, processes, and tools. Provide ongoing training and professional development opportunities to help your team members stay ahead of industry trends and sharpen their skills.

Whether you need help hiring a VA or taking care of your client’s services, we can help. Our outsource virtual assistant services and outsource digital marketing packages can help take the pressure off of your team and ultimately grow your business. 


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